Product information
Size |
waist |
hips |
S |
70-75 |
80-90 |
M |
75-78 |
90-97 |
L |
78-84 |
97-110 |
XL |
84-90 |
110-120 |
Note: Please compare the detail sizes with yours, please allow 1-2cm differs due to manual measurement, thanks!
(All measurement in cm and please note 1cm=0.39inch)
We are currently specializing in fashion & accessories. If you are an individual buyer, remember to add us to your favourite seller, if you are a wholesaler or looking for a business partner in China, please contact us.
- Note: Most of the country we offer free shipping, we use China post Air Mail to ship it, but if you order is less than 7$ we will sent it with untrack package,so we suggest to order over 7$.
- Note:Usually China Post Air Mail takes 2-4 weeks to be received,and you can track it, but some of the place maybe a little longer.If you don't received it in 60 days, we will return you money.
- Note: Shipping costs shown include fuel surcharges. Import duties, taxes and other customs related charges are not included. Buyers bear all responsibility for all extra charges incurred (if any).
Buyer Protection
Protecting Your Purchase from Click to Delivery!
Full Refund if you don't receive your order
You will get a full refund if your order does not arrive within the delivery time promised by the seller.
Refund or Keep items not as described
You can get a full refund if your item is significantly different from the seller's description ,or ,You can choose a partial refund and keep the product.
How does Buyer Protection work?
1th.Contact the Seller
If your order hasn't arrived within the promised time, or isn't as described - contact the seller.
we are happy to quickly resolve any issues.
2th.Open Dispute to Make a Refund
If we are unable to resolve the problem, you can submit a refund request by clicking Open Dispute.
Here, we will refund you as soon as possible.
Please don't put any infromation of brand things in my Aliexpress. Brand name and pictures are not allowed.
Tips to pay in AliExpress
step 1. Sign up in with your E-mail, recommend to using the same Email as FaceBook (easy to remember).
step 2. Sign in and add to your cart everything you want check out and place your order. You will get a order number like 160XXXXXXXXXXX.
step 3. Login your AliExpress account, place order in this AliExpress link leave me message of the order number 160XXXXXXXXXXX.
Then do everything just as you do in AliExpress befor.
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