Size, dimension, measurement, bigness
Size |
Bust(CM) |
Shoulder(CM) |
Sleeve(CM) |
Total long(CM) |
XS |
S |
98-100 |
52-53 |
51-52 |
60-61 |
M |
104-106 |
54-55 |
56-57 |
64-65 |
L |
108-110 |
57-58 |
58-59 |
67-68 |
XL |
58-59 |
59-60 |
68-69 |
59-60 |
60-61 |
69-70 |
Note: Please compare the detail sizes with yours, please allow 1-2cm differs due to manual measurement, thanks!
(All measurement in cm and please note 1cm=0.39inch)
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